Author Archives: Allyn Cutts
- in Make It Easy To Buy , Marketing , Sales by Allyn Cutts
4 Explosive Tips To Dynamite Your Sales Volume
Some of the most effective things in life are the simplest. Marketers spend a lot of time trying to understand the psyche of consumers, discover ways to predict economic trends and a million other aspects of business that can determine success. Hey, it pays to remember that some things are just basic, common sense and as easy as pie. Let's look at some tactics that just might be the key to the success you've been pining for.
1. Keep An Eye On Your Best Customers
Yeah, wouldn't be great if all of your customers were just like them? …easy to please, loyal, and ready to tell a friend about your wonderful service. Just maybe you can develop more customer just like them!
Think about it… what makes them so great? What are the traits they have in common? Direct your marketing campaign to people who are just like them. Focus on their niche! You'll net new consumers and higher profits for your efforts. Also you can try to enhance your sales team with SalesHub.
2. Hurry It Up!
What's the hurry? Todays customers are busily running helter skelter from work to day care to home to an event back home… They're rushing through life, but trying to save a buck as they go. How much do you think they would appreciate the ability to do both in your shop?
Revise your advertising campaign to stress the time they'll save and the money they'll keep in their pockets while enjoying all of the wonderful benefits your products have to offer. Chip in a few specials where they can save even more moeny (with a deadline, of course). Deliver! Immediately! Let them save money and time… and hey, watch your sales explode!
3. Make it Easy to Buy
Convenience it the key to attracting buyers in today's fast paced society. What will be the fastest and easiest for them… credit card, phone, fax, Internet, or cold hard cash? They say there are different strokes for different folks… your customers don't all use the same methods to buy. It just makes sense that if the method they prefer is available, they'll be more likely to take advantage of it.
Simplicy… ah, it makes life so much easier. Yeah, your harried customers are busy and tired. They don’t want to mess around. Most of the time, they just want to make the purchase and head home. Convenience stores testify to the fact that quick and easy often overrides a better price!
4. Follow Up
Following up with a customer who didn’t buy can be the determining factor between and “almost sale” and a satisfied, loyal customer. Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.
One of my favorite catalog companies always closes out the sale with a special buy that is available only at the time of purchase. I'm not an impulsive shopper by any stretch of the imagination, but it stops me in my tracks every time. I know it's a one-time shot, and I really consider whether I want or need it before I hang up the phone.
Expoding your current sales volume and profit margin may not be as difficult as you've been making it! Give these 4 tips a shot, and see what happens!

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
How to Find Those Niche Markets Your Business Can’t Afford to Overlook
How many niche markets are perched right under your nose? …markets you've been overlooking? Hey, take a look at the customers you have right now. Are there any groups that stick out in your mind? Now let me ask you this…Do your advertisements and sales cater to any of these groups?
When I say niche markets, if small businesses, nurses, or homeowners comes to mind… you're thinking too broadly. Exactly what is a niche market?
Niche Markets Are:
1. Individuals within a group that you can identify by the same interests and needs.
2. Individuals who are looking for your product.
3. Individuals you have the ability to compel to do business with you, rather than your competitor.
4. Individuals that you can easily reach
5. A group that is large enough to do the amount of business you need.
6. A group that is small enough to be overlooked by your competition.
The greatest value of niche markets is that they enable you to target your sales messages precisely. And yes, the more narrowly you define your market, the easier it is going to be to address the needs within the niche.
How Do You Find Niche Markets?
Of course, the first place to start is with a list of the customers you already have! Dig around. Are there any similarities that seem to stand out to you?
Another method involves listing the benefits of your product or service. Think about it… which prospects would benefit the most from this list of benefits? A narrow group of people should begin to emerge. That is your niche market.
How Do You Reach Niche Markets?
Get to know them! First you've got to understand the language of each segment of your clientelle. Yeah, they may all be speaking English, but they have their own vocabulary and style that only an insider is privy to. Get inside the circle…it's the only way to really gain insight to their special needs.
Insiders get the real scoop on things that outsiders never even know exist. When your customers see you as “one of us” you'll be way ahead of the competition. Your customers will have a loyalty toward you that your competitor will not be able to break through…even with lower prices…because you are the one who understands their needs!
Marketers are always looking for low-cost ways to boost sales volume and profits…it's in their blood…part of who they are. They can't resist the urge to find, explore or invent another method to increase the value of their business…and most of them know that there are niche markets all around – just waiting to be discovered.

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
- in MLM Marketing , Niche Marketing by Allyn Cutts
5 Winning Strategies For MLM Success
1 Find Your Niche
Sure you want everyone to benefit from the opportunity for freedom you have to offer, but face it… not everyone has an interest in extracting themselves from their comfort zone. Successful MLM marketers are willing to step out on a limb, and to change themselves. No, it’s not for everyone.
Who are the people most likely to be ripe for a change? Identify your prospects, and target your marketing strategies toward them. Don’t waste time and energy casting your pearls before the swine. Invest where it counts.
2. Invest In Low Cost Leads
Bigger isn’t always better, though we tend to think so! Small ads, postcards, and other low cost advertising methods are powerful advertising agents. They’re small, too the point and effective… generating a higher than average percentage of inquiries.
Leads are crucial to MLM success. You don’t necessarily have to make the sale with the advertisments. Making contact is just as important. Your advertisement may simply direct them to your Website where you gather the contact information you need.
3. Stir Up Desire
Most people have dreams tucked away deep inside. Many have lain dormant for many years. You never know who it is that will respond to your advertising campaign, but you can be sure that it’ll take an emotional connection to spark them to action.
Emotional advertising is effective because it puts people in the seat of the purchaser, or in this case the MLM marketer. They get to feel the bonuses and freedom of financial success. They can experience the joy of being their own boss, with a few cleverly written words.
4. Call To Action
The best time to encourage a prospect to make a commitment is NOW. Immediate action is they key to claiming the sale or signing up a new member. Think about it… when procrastination takes part in the picture… nothing much gets accomplished. Sure, they’re going to get around to it someday, but usually someday never gets here.
5. Follow UP
What happens when a prospect doesn’t bite the first time you put the bait in front of them? Well, that’s pretty much up to you. They can sit around and eventually forget all about the offer you dangled in front of them. Or… you can keep a line of contact open that constantly reminds them of the opportunity that is just waiting for them to snatch up.
Implement follow ups and you’ll increase your success rate by 50 percent. Check back every month for a while, then every 6 months. A lot can happen in life during a six month period. You never know just what changes might spur them into doing something else with their life… you want to be there for them at that perfect time.

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
- in Selling Benefits by Allyn Cutts
3 Elements That Make Your Ad Successful
When was the last time you bought a car? Did you really NEED a car? I mean REALLY need a car? Chances are the one you were driving was still running when you bought the car you have now. Yep, Americans rarely buy because they need… they buy because they want to experience the feeling that comes with buying.
We enjoy new purchases. Sure, we can convince ourselves that we really needed a new one, but if we’re totally honest we’ll have to admit that would could’ve got by without it. What does this mean to your advertising campaign?
1. State The Benefits Of Your Product or Service
Capitalize on the ways a customer will improve his lifestyle by making the purchase. Will he increase his own business profits by 50 percent? Say so in the opening statement of your sales letter, or at the top of your Web page.
Don’t obsess with the features of the product itself or your credibility. Frankly, customers could care less. Let’s face it… they’re a bit selfish when it comes to dishing out their hard earned money. All they want to know is what’s in it for them.
2. Paint Word Picture That Let Them Experience the Benefits
“Wake up tomorrow, with no boss! You can spend the day with your family or on the golf course… there’s nobody to tell you what to do.”
A Multi Level Marketer may want his audience to feel the freedom of having no one to answer to if they become successful in the business. He’ll dramatize that desire, and put the listener in the seat to inspire it to take hold until the listener is ready to sign up and get started.
3. Inspire Immediate Action
Hey, let’s face it… the longer a customer lolly gags, the greater the chances he’ll never take the plunge. Don’t let him off the hook that easily!
Set a deadline. Put on the pressure to buy now, or miss out on the deal. Chances are pretty good that the procrastinator will get with it just to save a few bucks.
What about your sales materials? Have you taken a good look at the things you are advertising? Make sure you are focused on the benefits the consumer will experience from the purchase, and not on the features of the product or service.

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
- in Customer Needs by Allyn Cutts
4 “Sale Thieves” You Need To Be On The Lookout For
Many successful marketers began their careers as children setting up a lemonade stand or selling newspapers. Years of experience and exposure to more mature and intricate marketing techniques change a lot of things, but there is one aspect that is no different between selling glasses of lemonade and Internet marketing… customers have the power to decide whether or not to buy your product.
Yeah, the products and marketing methods are changing constantly, but the driving force that motivates sales remains unchanged… so do the 4 things that steal sales right out from under your nose.
1. The “I don’t need it” attitude.
Let’s face it… need has little to do with what people buy or don’t buy in the American culture. Want has everything to do with whether they do or don’t buy. The most crucial aspect of getting a high number of sales is targeting the right market. It does little good to advertise to people who really aren’t interested.
What are you advertising? Where are you advertising? These two questions go hand in hand. If you’re trying to sell hunting gear, it would make little sense to target mothers with small children. Sure a FEW of them hunt, but your return for the cost of advertising is going to be pretty low. Pay attention to what your target audience reads, and invest your advertising bucks wisely.
2. The “I can’t afford it” attitude.
In a few rare cases, that may be true, but usually “I can’t afford it” can be interpreted as, It’s not high on my list of priorities.” We can usually find the money for the things we really want.
Go ahead and MAKE your product or service a priority. Dramatize the benefits they’ll experience, sweeten the deal until it’s irresistible, and put a deadline on it. Make it “too good to pass up!”
3. The “I’m in no hurry” attitude.
Procrastination is criminal in the marketing world. Yeah, procrastination steals money right out of our pockets! The customer comes… he sees… he wants… but when he puts it off, he never does get around to buying!
What happens in the short time after he walks out without the purchase? Time quietly fades the emotions that were driving the sale, and the desire to shell out the dinero for your product soon fades away entirely.
Don’t let them leave without making the purchase. Now you can’t put a gun to their head and force them to buy things from the Paintball Guns Shop, but you can make a deadline on the special. A “take it or leave it” offer just might inspire the procrastinator to act now.
4. The “I don’t trust you” attitude.
Buying is risky business, and most people fear making a foolish investment more than they fear never getting the product. You can allay those fears simply by implementing a few tactics that evoke trust and confidence for the buyer.
Offer an unconditional money back guarantee. You’ll effectively eliminated the risk factor that holds many consumers back.
Use testimonials to let prospective customers know that you do deliver, and a satisfied customer can say it way better than you ever could.
Be open to communication. Hey, when they know someone is willing to answer any question they have, the uncertainty evaporates.
Don’t let these four thieves steal any more of your profits. Deal with them effectively… get them out of the way!

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
3 Easy Ways To Crank Up The Sales Volume
1. Supersize It!
Okay, okay… the real marketing term here us upsell it, but the word association takes me to McDonalds. You’ve been there… you pull up to the window, place your order and they always say… “Would you like to supersize that?”
What bugs me is that I instinctively say, “Yes!” After all, for a few cents more I’m getting nearly twice the amount of fries and beverage. We won’t discuss the fact that a person with normal size kidneys couldn’t possible drink the supersized drink before it goes flat… and that if I were to eat all of the supersized fries I’d be perfect advertisment for an acne medicine company… but hey, I got a good deal!
When your customers have their wallet out and are reaching for their money, they are ripe for shelling out just a few more bucks to sweeten the deal. In fact, about 50 percent will say yes without a second thought. It’s the perfect time to offer an upgrade or an extra warranty.
2. After The Sale Offers.
Have you noticed that novel sequels seem to go like hotcakes? Once the author has caught the audiences attention with the first book, they can’t wait to get their hands on the follow up.
The same idea carries over with your customers. A customer who is happy with the product and service you provided the first time, is much more open for a second experience.
The backend product you offer doesn’t even have to be your own. Affiliate marketers are rolling in proceeds on ebooks that cover material associated with their products. It’s an easy and painless process to market this way… the affiliate handles all the sales, while you collect the commission.
3. Reward Referrals
Customer surveys that ask 3 basic questions: What did you like best about the product?, How can we improve the value of the product?, and Who do you know that would benefit from the product?
In a nutshell, you are letting the customer know that his needs and opinions are important to you, and that you want to help someone else fulfill their needs too. You’ll gain valuable insight into customer satsifaction, provide material for valuable testimonials, and get tips on potential customers.
Upselling, backend selling and referral selling work together to increase the number of sales you net, without increasing advertizing budgets. Try it… you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to increase your marketing effectiveness within your current customer audience.

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
5 Must-Have Techniques For Creating Unbelievably Productive Copy
1. Get Specific
Nothing can spell out BORING quicker than bland claims that really say nothing. “My clients make more money!” is a perfect example of poor copy that could use a little life. What happens when you change it to, “My clients increased their sales by 23.5% in the first 30 days!” Now that is kicking! It’s specific and exciting.
Be sure that your claims sound believable, no matter how unbelievable they are. People are skeptical of “too good to be true” claims. It’s better to tone it down, and let them be surprised when it exceeds their expectation.
2. Keep It Short and Sweet
Long paragraphs and complex sentences look too much like work to read. Yeah, readers get bored quickly and easily. Chop it up, and break it up. Don’t use paragraphs of more than 7 lines or sentences longer that 18 words. Find ways to shorten it up, and you’ll keep the readers attention.
How many long words are in your copy? Replace them with short common words to create a reader-friendly appeal. Let your copy speak to them in the language they are used to hearing. Well, if your readers don't like to spend a lot of time reading… it pays to choose your words carefully.
3. Keep it Active
Eliminate dull passive phrases. They do little, except bore the heck out of your readers. Dig them out and replace them highly active words that will motivate the reader to get up out of his easy chair and DO something.
The call to action is the most important part of any advertisment. Call, subscribe, join, order, buy… make them hear the call loud enough that they do something – NOW.
4. Skip the Humor
In the right place, and at the right time, humor is an effective tool. Written sales copy just isn’t it. Ads are short, concise and to the point. Humor tends to get in the way and distract.
Real life stories captivate readers. They relate to them. The human interest of these stories draws the reader into the message, whereas humor distracts them for the point.
5. Us A Powerful P.S.
A P.S. can be a powerful way to emphasize your product, highlight the points of benefit, or dramatize effects of the purchase. It’s the perfect way to summarize your page.
The P.S. is most powerful on Web pages. Surfers often read the headlines and skim to the P.S. where they look to get an idea of what’s on the page, and if it’s worth their time to read it. Put some effort into making your P.S. captivating.

Cutts Group, llc 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
3 Foolproof Ways To Soar Through A Recession
Winners are ALWAYS looking for ways to grow their business. They trust their company, trust their customers to come through for them, and realize that a financial crunch offers advantages that aren't available during better economic times.
1. Get More For Your Advertising Bucks
When the economy makes a turn for the worse, it just makes sense that your advertising
Mold Testing will give less of a return than during and economic boon. Sure there’s a lot less money being spent, but you don’t have to have to watch your profit margin plummet!
Think about thin film coating… advertisers are feeling the recession just as much as you are, and are more desperate for clients. It’s the perfect atmosphere to negotiate your way to lower costs – even if you are already getting a good price. Every advertising penny you can save, is that much more profit you’ll earn on the products.
Have you thought about getting free publicity? Local newspapers are always looking for something of local interest. Make the news! Publicity is free, but a wonderful way to get your business in front of potential clients.
Do your advertisements really need to be as big as they are? We tend to think the big is better, but the facts are that short ads with 11 words or less often generate higher response than large ads. Give it a try, and trim some costs right off your advertising bill. For more info please visit :
2. Take Advantage Of Big Ticket Sales
Not all of your customers suffer during recession. Remember that there are always people who are thriving financially, so don’t be afraid to make big ticket sales offers. Additionally, when money is tight, people who place a lot of stock in your product will value it even more.
Think about ways to create products similar to yours, but with much higher prices. Internet marketers often create members only sites and sell their products at much higher prices. Hey, they’ll obviously make fewer sales, but the people who really value the product will buy. Each sale will net an immensely higher profit. Think about it like this… even though the sales are fewer, the actual profit may be even greater than when it was sold at a lower price.
3. Maximize The Customers You Have
Your customers already know that you have great products and provide satisfactory service. They trust you to come through for them. Think about it… it’s much easier to make sales to someone you already have a relationship with.
Use every opportunity to increase your sales volume within the customer audience you already have. Do you have a product that goes with the one they are purchasing? Offer it to them at the register. It’s a proven and effective method for increasing sales. You may be shocked at the additional sales you can generate from those who are already buying from you.

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
- in Advertising , Marketing , Promotions by Allyn Cutts
3 Marketing Tactics That Will Send Your Sales Through The Roof
When the tide comes in, all boats in the harbor go up… the tough part is figuring out how to bring the tide in. Booming economies come and go and bring surges of profit increases, then ebb to leave behind shortages and tough times. Regardless, there are some business that just seem to weather the tough times with grace, not really affected by recessions. It's almost as though they have a secret source… maybe they do… customers.
Hey, customers always buy Cash for structured settlements… in the good times and in the bad times. They still have needs and still make purchases. When you understand their needs and wants, you have the keys to keeping your business afloat when others are grounded. Implement these three tactics successful marketers use, and you're set for success.
1. Just One
Customers can be like a two year old in a candy store… they want it all. Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to make up your mind about what you really do want when everything looks so good. That’s why it pays to promote one product over the others. It spells out loud and clear… I’M THE BEST DEAL. That will be the deciding factor in most cases.
2. Make Them Feel Good
Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase. A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a saw because he finds pleasure in creating things. Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.
Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale. Let them “feel” the benefits, and they’ll be more apt to head for the cash register. Put them where you want them.
Selling a riding mower? … the birds are singing, Easter lilies are blooming and kids are flying kites in the wind… spring has arrived. Yep, it’s time to get out that mower and fuel it up for the summer ahead. How many springs have come and gone since you promised yourself a riding mower? … It’s not hard to paint mental pictures that whet their appetite for the product you are advertising.
3. Make Contact
Following up with a customer who didn’t buy can be the determining factor between and “almost sale” and a satisfied, loyal customer. Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.
Internet marketers can offer free newsletters or reports that consumers find useful and marketers find profitable. Not only do you keep your product in front of the customer on a regular basis, you get email information to stay in contact. Both parties win!

Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
The Unbelievable Facts: You Can Beat The Competition By Raising Prices!
Hey, that got your attention! You’re probably sitting there with a raised eyebrow, and thinking… “Yeah, right!” Everybody knows that you have to have the best prices in town to be competitive… or do they?
Think about this… when you go to a Ford dealership mechanic do you expect to pay more than if you take it to the repair shop on the corner? Of course you do. Why? Because the mechanics are specialists at the dealership. They specialize in the type of cars they sell, and know their stuff!
When you become a specialist, people expect to pay more and feel like they are getting more value for their money. They trust the specialist to understand their needs. Now for the big question… How can you become a specialist? Here are 3 easy steps to becoming an expert in your field.
1. Divide your market.
Take a good look at your market. How many pockets within your customer population can you find? You’ll be surprised at the number of niches you can target. You'll find ethnic groups, different age groups, varied groups of income, singles, married couples, families, grandparents… the list could go on and on. Once you spot the pockets, decide which group or groups you want to target.
2. Learn
Once you discover the pockets within your customer population, take the time to learn what their special needs and desires are. Dig deep, and really get to know them. Learn to speak their language, so to speak.
The best place to start understanding them is simply by asking them why they buy your products. What do they like best about it? Why do they choose your place of business? You’ll get straight answers right from the source, and gain amazing insight as well.
3. Revise Your Advertising Campaign
Once you’ve earned the right to speak to them on their level, redesign your advertising campaign to reach out to them. The changes don't have to be drastic, but be sure to use the language of the group you are aiming for. Let them know you understand and desire to meet their special needs.
Let’s face it… there will always be competitors and competition. There’s just no getting around it, but you really don’t have to lower your prices to compete with them. Not when you are the expert in your field and your customers are trusting you to have the answers.

The Cutts Group, is a marketing company located in the Lehigh Valley, PA. We have been serving local, regional, and national companies for more than 12 years, we have a vast knowledge of *What's Working & What's Not*. There is a tremendous opportunity for businesses today… Since only 26% of businesses have invested any time or effort in online marketing, the market is wide open for those businesses that take the time to discover what the Cutts Group can do for them. These days, since 97% of consumer's research local companies online before making a buying decision, it is critical that businesses have an outstanding online presence and reputation, and are prepared when their prospects reach the zero moment of truth.
Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax