Category Archives for "Marketing"
Ok here it is.
Whether you’re doing a webinar to deliver good will content, to make a sales presentation, or just interviewing another expert, they all have one goal in common.
You want your attendees to pay attention and absorb your message.
And that’s called engagement.
Engagement increases when viewers are presented with compelling content and a dynamic delivery.
Compelling content is about identifying the problem or pain your viewer is experiencing, then offering solutions to that problem.
Simply put, if you viewer wants to know the answers to their questions or concerns that you promise, they will stick around until they hear the solutions… provided your delivery doesn’t suck.
You don’t have to be a professional presenter to have dynamic delivery of the content on your webinar. Engagement rates stay high when the viewer experience is constantly shifting modalities.
So, instead of just presenting a set of slides and a lecture-style presentation, liven up your webinars by switching between your presentation slides, sharing your screen, showing a video or talking into your webcam.
But if you want to truly create the most powerful dynamic delivery, nothing compares to audience participation for boosting engagement.
So don’t hesitate to ask questions or poll your audience. This both creates engagement, but also gives you the opportunity to create social proof and even do a little market research in the process of your webinar.
The more your audience feels like they are interacting with you, the more likely they are to absorb your message.
For a great webinar service that allows for polls, Q&A sessions, and a number of other engagement exploding features, check out the world’s most reliable webinar platform here:
And stay tuned, I have one final tip in this 4-part series on webinars, for phase 4… Profit.
The other day I covered the importance of preparing for your webinar by choosing between a slide presentation or webcam view (or both), and selecting the platform you want to use.
Hopefully, you got a chance to check out what I consider to be the world’s most reliable webinar platform enhanced by the world’s most powerful marketing features, Webinar Jam?
If not, I highly suggest you do that right now and then come back and read the rest of this email.
Ok, good…
Let’s dive into Phase 2 of running a successful live webinar – Promotion.
Now you could send your entire list directly to your live webinar… But to maximize your profits you’ll want to have them register for your event first.
To register, attendees usually just enter their name and email address. You might wonder why this step is necessary, when you’re just sending people from your list where you already have this information.
Requiring registration for your webinar accomplishes three things.
First, it allows you send announcement and reminder emails to the attendees to let them know that the live webinar is starting. You might not want to bother everyone on your list with these types of reminders if they haven’t expressed interest in the webinar.
Second, when an attendee registers you can place them on an autoresponder series that’s designed to provide them with more information about the topic of the webinar. Some Webinar software even allows you to create different lists based on whether the person didn’t show up, attended the live event or listened to the replay.
Finally, requiring registration to a live webinar allows you to grow your list when people see your social media activities or who receive your email announcements forward them on to their friends who may also be interested. This happens more often than you’d think- that’s the power of word of mouth marketing!
For a webinar system that allows list segmentation, pre and post webinar autoresponders, and even allows your attendees to register just by clicking a link, check out Webinar Jam here:
Do you know what the most powerful component of a live webinar presentation is?
Take a guess… I’ll reveal the answer next.
One of the best profit producing promotional strategies that you can use in your business is a live webinar.
But running a successful live webinar that puts money in your bank account requires following a proven 4-phase blueprint.
4 Simple Steps…
Today, I’m going to share with you the first of those phases…
#1: Preparation.
Now this isn’t how you prepare your content (you’re the expert on that one) or even your sales message (that’s a topic for another email training series)… but the mechanics and marketing of running the live webinar itself.
In the preparation phase you will decide how you want your content presented. Depending on the webinar service you use, you may be able to run pre-recorded videos, PowerPoint or Keynote presentations, share your computer screen or even show yourself on a webcam.
The best format you can do is to start with a webcam view so your audience gets to see you, then after your introduction switch to slides for your content presentation.
Consider which medium works best for your message though as some niches respond much different than others.
When it comes to the mechanics of presenting a live webinar to a mass audience, the clear winner is Google Hangout On Air. It's so easy, and has huge potential for any business.
Unlike other unreliable webinar services, that cost upwards of $500 a month and are limited. Hangouts are backed by Google and Youtube, so you don’t need to worry about servers crashing and recordings failing. And best of all- they are free!
However, for marketers there are some serious problems with Hangouts. One of the biggest downsides is that you’re limited to just 10 participants. Of course can watch your stream but there’s no way of interacting with them making it difficult to run Q&A sessions, polls, or a any kind of group chat. And forget about sharing a link with them to purchase anything.
Of course this sort of interaction and active participation significantly boosts sales conversions and so is an absolute must. That’s why many reluctantly pay the ridiculous prices and suffer through the lousy technology of other webinar software.
Well that was until now.
Thanks to a couple of friends, Andy Jenkins & Mike Filsaime, who’ve created a software that takes the powerful marketing tools that you might see in other webinar software, and applied it to Google Hangouts On Air.
All of the marketing power, but at a much more affordable option than you might imagine, considering Google Hangouts does all the heavy lifting for you.
Once you’ve prepared your content and the platform you’re using for your webinar, the next phase (phase #2) is Promotion – and i’ll get to that in the next day or two.
When choosing a webinar software, yo need to consider the one created by the giants of the industry – the world’s most reliable webinar platform (Google Hangouts) with the most powerful marketing features… created by Andy & Mike (Get WebinarJam)
I got this from Evernote this morning:
There were published reports (make sure you read this) recently of a security breach at Adobe that may have exposed private information, including Adobe passwords, email addresses and passwords hints of millions of users. The list of compromised Adobe accounts has been uploaded to the web. We compared this list to our user email addresses and found that the email address you used to register for an Evernote account is on the list of exposed Adobe accounts. Evernote has not been compromised and is not connected to this incident, but if you used the same password for Adobe and Evernote, then you should change your Evernote password now. Here are some additional tips for keeping your information in Evernote, and other websites, safe: |
For additional security, you can set up Two-Step Verification for your Evernote account in Evernote Web Settings. For more information about Two-Step Verification, read our blog post: If you have any questions or concerns, Evernote Support is here to help. The Evernote Security Team
Why is this important?
Because if you own a computer (Mac or PC), you probably have an Adobe password.
I want to thank Evernote for letting me know… Adobe knew as well, but did not feel it was important to tell me.
Pssst! If Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly, You’re Hemorrhaging Customers (And Money)
Our economy is recovering…slowly. Very slowly. And though Wall Street seems to have recovered nicely, many folks on Main Street are still worrying about losing their jobs to cutbacks and their residences to foreclosure. Plus, many Americans remain burdened by consumer credit card debt. In other words, these are still trying times for consumers. Here’s what that means for you as a business owner: You simply can’t make it more difficult for customers to buy your products or services. The fact is that, many local businesses aren’t making things easy when it comes to their websites. As more customers are looking for nearby businesses on their mobile devices (according to Google, 1 in 3 searches are for local information) companies are still running antiquated sites that look like crap (let’s be honest) on smartphones and tablets.
Taking out a debt consolidation loan is more about making the repayment process simpler and easier to handle than it is about reducing the overall cost. Click here to get more information and to put in an application if you need one.
Are you chasing away customers?
At first blush, this might look like a small problem. It’s not, unfortunately. As the folks at MarketingVOX recently outlined, there are very real financial penalties for having a mobile-unfriendly website. As a growing number of consumers use mobile devices to access the internet, the penalties are becoming stronger. In a recent post, MarketingVOX outlined research from Google showing that:
Of the various debt solutions available in the UK, DMPs are among the most flexible, allowing you to change your monthly payments if, for any reason, your financial situation should change.
Those are sobering statistics. Here’s the silver lining: Nearly 75 percent say that they're more likely to return to a mobile-friendly website. So your mission is clear…
Your challenge
What does this really mean for the business owner? Just that maintaining a mobile-friendly website is critical—and getting more so. Look around you: You will notice a steady stream of consumers using the internet on phones, iPads, Nooks, and Kindles. And this is a movement that's hardly slowing. Tablets remain hot sellers, and an increasing number of people do much of their web surfing and social media tasks through mobile devices. According to a joint Google/Ipsos study, after consumers look up a business via mobile, 61% say they make a phone call and 59% say they actually visit the business! The message is clear: If you make a bad impression, if your business's website looks cramped, cluttered, or illegible when viewed on a tablet or smartphone, you have the real risk of driving potential customers towards your competitors!
There are so many takeaways from this 17 minute presentations. Listen to it several times, and take notes.
[leadplayer_vid id=”50B5C39E295E0″]
Here are just a few…
Some of the most effective things in life are the simplest. Marketers spend a lot of time trying to understand the psyche of consumers, discover ways to predict economic trends and a million other aspects of business that can determine success. Hey, it pays to remember that some things are just basic, common sense and as easy as pie. Let's look at some tactics that just might be the key to the success you've been pining for.
1. Keep An Eye On Your Best Customers
Yeah, wouldn't be great if all of your customers were just like them? …easy to please, loyal, and ready to tell a friend about your wonderful service. Just maybe you can develop more customer just like them!
Think about it… what makes them so great? What are the traits they have in common? Direct your marketing campaign to people who are just like them. Focus on their niche! You'll net new consumers and higher profits for your efforts. Also you can try to enhance your sales team with SalesHub.
2. Hurry It Up!
What's the hurry? Todays customers are busily running helter skelter from work to day care to home to an event back home… They're rushing through life, but trying to save a buck as they go. How much do you think they would appreciate the ability to do both in your shop?
Revise your advertising campaign to stress the time they'll save and the money they'll keep in their pockets while enjoying all of the wonderful benefits your products have to offer. Chip in a few specials where they can save even more moeny (with a deadline, of course). Deliver! Immediately! Let them save money and time… and hey, watch your sales explode!
3. Make it Easy to Buy
Convenience it the key to attracting buyers in today's fast paced society. What will be the fastest and easiest for them… credit card, phone, fax, Internet, or cold hard cash? They say there are different strokes for different folks… your customers don't all use the same methods to buy. It just makes sense that if the method they prefer is available, they'll be more likely to take advantage of it.
Simplicy… ah, it makes life so much easier. Yeah, your harried customers are busy and tired. They don’t want to mess around. Most of the time, they just want to make the purchase and head home. Convenience stores testify to the fact that quick and easy often overrides a better price!
4. Follow Up
Following up with a customer who didn’t buy can be the determining factor between and “almost sale” and a satisfied, loyal customer. Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.
One of my favorite catalog companies always closes out the sale with a special buy that is available only at the time of purchase. I'm not an impulsive shopper by any stretch of the imagination, but it stops me in my tracks every time. I know it's a one-time shot, and I really consider whether I want or need it before I hang up the phone.
Expoding your current sales volume and profit margin may not be as difficult as you've been making it! Give these 4 tips a shot, and see what happens!
Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
1. Get Specific
Nothing can spell out BORING quicker than bland claims that really say nothing. “My clients make more money!” is a perfect example of poor copy that could use a little life. What happens when you change it to, “My clients increased their sales by 23.5% in the first 30 days!” Now that is kicking! It’s specific and exciting.
Be sure that your claims sound believable, no matter how unbelievable they are. People are skeptical of “too good to be true” claims. It’s better to tone it down, and let them be surprised when it exceeds their expectation.
2. Keep It Short and Sweet
Long paragraphs and complex sentences look too much like work to read. Yeah, readers get bored quickly and easily. Chop it up, and break it up. Don’t use paragraphs of more than 7 lines or sentences longer that 18 words. Find ways to shorten it up, and you’ll keep the readers attention.
How many long words are in your copy? Replace them with short common words to create a reader-friendly appeal. Let your copy speak to them in the language they are used to hearing. Well, if your readers don't like to spend a lot of time reading… it pays to choose your words carefully.
3. Keep it Active
Eliminate dull passive phrases. They do little, except bore the heck out of your readers. Dig them out and replace them highly active words that will motivate the reader to get up out of his easy chair and DO something.
The call to action is the most important part of any advertisment. Call, subscribe, join, order, buy… make them hear the call loud enough that they do something – NOW.
4. Skip the Humor
In the right place, and at the right time, humor is an effective tool. Written sales copy just isn’t it. Ads are short, concise and to the point. Humor tends to get in the way and distract.
Real life stories captivate readers. They relate to them. The human interest of these stories draws the reader into the message, whereas humor distracts them for the point.
5. Us A Powerful P.S.
A P.S. can be a powerful way to emphasize your product, highlight the points of benefit, or dramatize effects of the purchase. It’s the perfect way to summarize your page.
The P.S. is most powerful on Web pages. Surfers often read the headlines and skim to the P.S. where they look to get an idea of what’s on the page, and if it’s worth their time to read it. Put some effort into making your P.S. captivating.
When the tide comes in, all boats in the harbor go up… the tough part is figuring out how to bring the tide in. Booming economies come and go and bring surges of profit increases, then ebb to leave behind shortages and tough times. Regardless, there are some business that just seem to weather the tough times with grace, not really affected by recessions. It's almost as though they have a secret source… maybe they do… customers.
Hey, customers always buy Cash for structured settlements… in the good times and in the bad times. They still have needs and still make purchases. When you understand their needs and wants, you have the keys to keeping your business afloat when others are grounded. Implement these three tactics successful marketers use, and you're set for success.
1. Just One
Customers can be like a two year old in a candy store… they want it all. Yeah, sometimes it’s hard to make up your mind about what you really do want when everything looks so good. That’s why it pays to promote one product over the others. It spells out loud and clear… I’M THE BEST DEAL. That will be the deciding factor in most cases.
2. Make Them Feel Good
Customers buy because they want to enjoy the benefits of the purchase. A lady might buy a dress because she wants to feel sexy, or a man will buy a saw because he finds pleasure in creating things. Emotions are the key element that drives purchases.
Use word pictures to stir up the emotions that will instigate the sale. Let them “feel” the benefits, and they’ll be more apt to head for the cash register. Put them where you want them.
Selling a riding mower? … the birds are singing, Easter lilies are blooming and kids are flying kites in the wind… spring has arrived. Yep, it’s time to get out that mower and fuel it up for the summer ahead. How many springs have come and gone since you promised yourself a riding mower? … It’s not hard to paint mental pictures that whet their appetite for the product you are advertising.
3. Make Contact
Following up with a customer who didn’t buy can be the determining factor between and “almost sale” and a satisfied, loyal customer. Simply contact them afterwards and let them know the product is still available or offer them further information they may find valuable.
Internet marketers can offer free newsletters or reports that consumers find useful and marketers find profitable. Not only do you keep your product in front of the customer on a regular basis, you get email information to stay in contact. Both parties win!
Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax
Hey, that got your attention! You’re probably sitting there with a raised eyebrow, and thinking… “Yeah, right!” Everybody knows that you have to have the best prices in town to be competitive… or do they?
Think about this… when you go to a Ford dealership mechanic do you expect to pay more than if you take it to the repair shop on the corner? Of course you do. Why? Because the mechanics are specialists at the dealership. They specialize in the type of cars they sell, and know their stuff!
When you become a specialist, people expect to pay more and feel like they are getting more value for their money. They trust the specialist to understand their needs. Now for the big question… How can you become a specialist? Here are 3 easy steps to becoming an expert in your field.
1. Divide your market.
Take a good look at your market. How many pockets within your customer population can you find? You’ll be surprised at the number of niches you can target. You'll find ethnic groups, different age groups, varied groups of income, singles, married couples, families, grandparents… the list could go on and on. Once you spot the pockets, decide which group or groups you want to target.
2. Learn
Once you discover the pockets within your customer population, take the time to learn what their special needs and desires are. Dig deep, and really get to know them. Learn to speak their language, so to speak.
The best place to start understanding them is simply by asking them why they buy your products. What do they like best about it? Why do they choose your place of business? You’ll get straight answers right from the source, and gain amazing insight as well.
3. Revise Your Advertising Campaign
Once you’ve earned the right to speak to them on their level, redesign your advertising campaign to reach out to them. The changes don't have to be drastic, but be sure to use the language of the group you are aiming for. Let them know you understand and desire to meet their special needs.
Let’s face it… there will always be competitors and competition. There’s just no getting around it, but you really don’t have to lower your prices to compete with them. Not when you are the expert in your field and your customers are trusting you to have the answers.
The Cutts Group, is a marketing company located in the Lehigh Valley, PA. We have been serving local, regional, and national companies for more than 12 years, we have a vast knowledge of *What's Working & What's Not*. There is a tremendous opportunity for businesses today… Since only 26% of businesses have invested any time or effort in online marketing, the market is wide open for those businesses that take the time to discover what the Cutts Group can do for them. These days, since 97% of consumer's research local companies online before making a buying decision, it is critical that businesses have an outstanding online presence and reputation, and are prepared when their prospects reach the zero moment of truth.
Contact Information:
Cutts Group, llc
(800) 250-9510 | phone
(610) 441-7390 | fax